Sound Insight
My approach to sound therapy centers the human being, first, and sound and silence, second. The way I use sound to affect the body, brain and emotions makes this approach therapeutic.
Each sound perception triggers several natural processes.
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What is sound therapy?
My approach to sound therapy centers the human being, first, and sound and silence, second. The way I use sound to affect the body, brain and emotions makes this approach therapeutic.
Each sound perception triggers several natural processes.
High-pitched sounds, such as a scream or a sirene, quicken our heartbeat and breath, raise adrenaline levels in our blood, and allow our brains to make rapid decisions. The sound of rustling leaves, a babbling brook, or the ocean waves, affect us quite differently, creating a sense of peace and renewed energy.
Quantum physicists concede that everything is matter and vibration, including ourselves.
Blockages built up over a lifetime become obstacles in the body. Sound vibrations will resolve those blockages by causing our body to vibrate, creating a sense of flow and well-being. We’re no longer “stuck.”

The use of overtones gives our brain a “reset,” allowing them to relax. Problems that have been plaguing us for a long time, suddenly seem clearer.